A kingdom of unexpected treasures

Rivers don’t drink their own water, Trees don’t eat their own fruit, Sun doesn’t give heat for itself, Moon doesn’t ever go on honeymoon, Flowers don’t spread fragrance for themselves, Living for giving is the rule of nature..

I made this widget at MyFlashFetish.com.

Almost every day we’re using it..women  especially, most probably they can’t live without it..

Nak pi kelas duk terpa sat..nak pi usrah mai terpa sat..nak pi monas pon duk terpa sat…nak pi pasar pon mai terpa sat…kadang2 nak pi tidoq pon duk pi terpa ‘benda’ ni dulu…

Apa diaaaaa ‘benda’ ni????

Buat apa duk asyik guna ‘benda’ nie saja cheq?????

Hmm…Just to be sure that we’re in a good looking for twenty four seven??so that we would be more pretty,confident on everyone’s eye???betoi ka???

Well…got the answer friends? It’s a mirror dear…

I am sure…most of us are very familiar when we are trying to relate mirror with friend@sahabat@ahkwat...

Akhwatifillah…ingin saya sedikit berkongsi dlm sebuah buku puitis yg kdg2 trpaksa baca byk kali baru fhm,hihi~

Kita mencintai mereka dan itu bererti kita bercermin pd mereka lalu memandang bayangannya dengan tatapan cinta.
Kita bercermin utk mendaki, menggapai darjat yg makin tinggi. Lalu cinta antara kita dan mereka pun makin menjulang. Pada hal2 yg sebaliknya, kebencian misalnya, juga adalah cermin.
Jika anda membenci seseorang,anda sebenarnya membenci sesuatu dlm dirinya yg merupakan bagian dr diri anda.Apa yg bukan merupakan bagian dr diri anda sendiri mestila takkan mengganggu anda betoi x?
Maka saat kita berkaca, dan menemukan aib pd kwn kita,samalah dgn kita menemukan aib kita sendr.Dalam hening kita bercermin di dpnnya,lalu sempatkah utk bertanya”adakah retak2 di sana?”
Dalam dakapan ukhuwah ini,kita diajarkan bhw retak bukanlah terletak pd sang kaca,justeru pd sekujur tubuh yg sedang berdiri di dpannya,lalu kita pun merapikan diri lg, menata jiwa, melekatkan retakan2 itu hingga bayangan menjd elok kembali.yang harus diperbaiki bkn pd orang yg kita temukan celanya melainkan peribadi kita yg sedang bercermin pdnya…
Bahkan jika cermin itu buram,barangkali noda itu disebabkan hembusan nafas kita yg terlalu banyak mengandungi asam arang dosa.
Dalam dakapan ukhuwah, kita menginsafi bhw diri kitalah yg org yg paling memungkinkan utk diubah agar segala hubungan menjadi indah.Kita sedar bhw kitalah yg harus dijelitakan agar bayang2  menjadi mempesona
Sebagaimana kemampuan utk memimpin, kekuatan utk menjalin hubungan adalah paduan dr kecenderungan dan pembelajaran.Membuatnya seiring dgn keimanan memerlukan kerja keras yg kadang rumit

Dalam dakapan ukhuwah, segalanya adalah cermin..

Jangan memandang rendah pada sebuah cermin…

Means jgn memandang remeh akan ukhuwah…

Jika tidak,bekrjamu tak ubah seperti bekerjanya sebuah robot…

Ikatan ini adalah ikatan kasih sayang…

Sayang antunna semua fillah..:)


farewell friday..

Pro-democracy protesters in Tahrir Square have vowed to take the protests to a 'last and final stage
Hosni Mubarak, the Egyptian president, has resigned from his post, handing over power to the armed forces.
Omar Suleiman, the vice-president, announced in a televised address that the president was "waiving" his office, and had handed over authority to the Supreme Council of the armed forces.
Suleiman's short statement was received with a roar of approval and by celebratory chanting and flag-waving from a crowd of hundreds of thousands in Cairo's Tahrir Square, as well by pro-democracy campaigners who attended protests across the country on Friday.
The crowd in Tahrir chanted "We have brought down the regime",  while many were seen crying, cheering and embracing one another.
Mohamed ElBaradei, an opposition leader, hailed the moment as being the "greatest day of my life", in comments to the Associated Press news agency.
"The country has been liberated after decades of repression,'' he said.
"Tonight, after all of these weeks of frustration, of violence, of intimidation ... today the people of Egypt undoubtedly [feel they] have been heard, not only by the president, but by people all around the world," our correspondent at Tahrir Square reported, following the announcement.
"The sense of euphoria is simply indescribable," our correspondent at Mubarak's Heliopolis presidential palace, where at least ten thousand pro-democracy activists had gathered, said.
"I have waited, I have worked all my adult life to see the power of the people come to the fore and show itself. I am speechless." Dina Magdi, a pro-democracy campaigner in Tahrir Square told Al Jazeera.
"The moment is not only about Mubarak stepping down, it is also about people's power to bring about the change that no-one ... thought possible."
In Alexandria, Egypt's second city, our correspondent described an "explosion of emotion". He said that hundreds of thousands were celebrating in the streets.
Pro-democracy activists in the Egyptian capital and elsewhere had earlier marched on presidential palaces, state television buildings and other government installations on Friday, the 18th consecutive day of protests.

 its friday..
a sacred day for islam..
and Egyptian has mad a greatest history!!!!!!
indescribable feeling..
it's just happening.........
it's real.........
they are evolving into sumthing new,sumthin good for sure,good for them,good for the religion,for islam..
how bout us??
hikmah behind all these????
all together.....
let's pondering upon this memorable day 
for them...for us as well....


" ...dan engkau benar-benar akan mengenal mereka dari nada bicaranya, 
dan Allah mengetahui segala perbuatan kamu..."

fate has a person..has a place...and has a time..

it's the hardest thing i'll ever have to lie..
to show no emotion when all this happened..

it's the hardest thing i'll ever have to do...
to turn around and walk away..
pretending i don't know..

susah ke senang??

susah ke senang??


Asma Al-Husna Pictures, Images and Photos

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Best cosmetic for the lips is truth, For the voice is prayer, For the eyes is pity, For the hands is charity, and for the heart is care.. Always keep these in your beauty box:)

syg mereka sgt2!!

syg mereka sgt2!!

The greatest history

The greatest history


boikot..it's a must!!

Photobucket 08. 09. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 32. 33.

~R N R~

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