A kingdom of unexpected treasures

Rivers don’t drink their own water, Trees don’t eat their own fruit, Sun doesn’t give heat for itself, Moon doesn’t ever go on honeymoon, Flowers don’t spread fragrance for themselves, Living for giving is the rule of nature..

I made this widget at MyFlashFetish.com.

justify war..


the only justify war is jihad..
yes..is jihad......
because that is the only fighting that is happening for the sake of Allah..
everything else is happening for the sake of dunnya..
oh Lord,i need strength for me to fight for myself..

are exactly what i need in my life...
I would not be as strong as what i could have been.
I could never fly..
Freedom and flight would only come after the struggle (Jihad)..

Be sure we shall test you with something of fear and hunger, some loss in goods or lives or the fruits (of your toil), but give glad tidings to those who patiently persevere.  (2:155)

Ya Alloh Tuhan segenap manusia, hilangkanlah sakit dan sembuhkan-lah, Engkaulah Yang Maha Penyembuh, tiada kesembuhan kecuali dengan penyembuhanMu, kesembuhan yang tidak meninggalkan penyakit.” 

sembuhkanlah ibuku.........................
kasihilah beliau seperti mana beliau mengasihiku......
kasihanilah beliau..................
amin ya Rabb...
-merinduimu selalu-


Cinta adalah air kehidupan...
Cinta adalah kekuatan jiwa...

Dengan cinta....................
muka tampak berseri-seri
bibir tersenyum
mata bersinar-sinar..

Dengan cinta................................
Nabi Ibrahim as merasakan api yg panas menjadi dingin
siksaan yang dirasakan seseorang itu adalah nikmat
org yg lena tidur dgn selimut dan tilam empuk bisa bgn utk solat mlm
air mata mengalir tanpa berasa

Tanpa cinta...
lebah akan menjauhi bunga
burung akan menjauhi kebun dan tiada lagi kicauan
dataran akan menjadi luas tidak berpenghuni

Tanpa cinta...
setiap ucapan akan menjadi hampa
setiap perbuatan seolah tidak berguna
tindakan menjadi ragu
kebaikan menjadi jelek

Carilah kembali cintamu yg hilang...
cinta yg lahir tulus dr hati...

 when you find this world has lost its glory..
take time to realize..
whatever things  u have gained in your life..
then your love will come and the sun will rise...

susah ke senang??

susah ke senang??


Asma Al-Husna Pictures, Images and Photos

About Me

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Best cosmetic for the lips is truth, For the voice is prayer, For the eyes is pity, For the hands is charity, and for the heart is care.. Always keep these in your beauty box:)

syg mereka sgt2!!

syg mereka sgt2!!

The greatest history

The greatest history


boikot..it's a must!!

Photobucket 08. 09. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 32. 33.

~R N R~

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